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Terms & Conditions

Each time you make a booking for pet boarding and day care services with us, you will be asked to accept Phillip Island Kennels and Cattery's (PIKC) Terms and Conditions. Our Terms and Conditions Agreement is a legally binding document.

Phillip Island Kennels and Cattery (herein thereafter referred to as ‘PIKC’ which expression will include the proprietors and their servants and agents) will not be responsible or liable for any claim, action or proceeding for damages, compensation, loss, expense, costs, interest or other monetary amounts howsoever arising relating to, arising out of or in connection with any injury, illness, trauma or other condition suffered by a Pet, or the death of a Pet, which may occur while or as a result of your Pet boarding/attending Daycare with PIKC.

The Pet Owner agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PIKC employees and owners from and against any claim, action or proceeding for damages, compensation, loss, expense, costs, interest or other monetary amount howsoever arising relating to, arising out of or in connection with any injury, illness, trauma or other condition suffered by another Pet, or the death of another Pet, caused by the Pet Owners Pet while boarding/attending Daycare with PIKC.

I acknowledge that it is the policy of PIKC to allow the dogs under its care to have regular off-lead, social interaction with another dog or dogs of a compatible nature under the supervision of our staff. I consent to my dog(s) being socialised and indemnify PIKC against any suit or claim arising from any loss or injury to my dog(s) whilst being socialised.

If I DO NOT consent to socialise my dog with another dog or dogs, I will advise PIKC in writing at the time of the online booking and will then confirm this verbally with PIKC staff at the time of Check-In.

The Pet Owner acknowledges that it is the policy of PIKC to allow dogs from the same family to share kennels/accommodation and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PIKC employees and owners from and against any claim, action or proceeding for damages, compensation, loss, expense, costs, interest or other monetary amount howsoever arising relating to, arising out of or in connection with any injury, illness, trauma or other condition suffered by another Pet whilst sharing a kennel/accommodation.

If I DO NOT consent to my dogs from the same family sharing a kennel/accommodation, I will advise PIKC in writing at the time of the online booking and will then confirm this verbally with PIKC staff at the time of Check-In.

The Pet Owner must disclose any existing or previous medical conditions and/or behaviours associated with the Pet/s (such as non-social, timidness, aggression, anxiety) in writing whilst making the booking online. PIKC has the right to refuse any Pet that has considerable behavioural concerns that may pose a risk to staff.

If a Pet becomes ill or injured during their stay at PIKC, the Company will use its best endeavours to contact the Pet Owner as soon as possible after becoming aware of the illness or injury. If the Owner or Pet Owner's Emergency Contact cannot be contacted within a reasonable time, PIKC reserves the right in its absolute discretion to seek veterinary care for the Pet if deemed appropriate.

All costs and disbursements incurred by the PIKC in seeking such medical care for an ill or injured Pet will be reimbursed by the Owner at the time of Check-Out and the Owner hereby indemnifies the PIKC from and against all such loss or expenses.

All belongings left with the pet are done so at the Owners risk and the Owner acknowledges that PIKC bears no responsibility for those belongings and that they may not be returned or may be returned damaged, soiled or wet.

I acknowledge that PIKC may photograph and/or film your pets whilst they are with us. We may use such material as part of our marketing, both online and elsewhere. These images will be the property of PIKC.

The acceptance of these terms and conditions supersedes any prior agreement or understanding of anything connected with that subject matter.

By making and continuing with a booking for services, and/or clicking accept & signing, I agree that I have read, understand, and agree to the above terms and conditions.

Victorian Code of Practice for the Operation of Boarding Establishments

your pet deserves a holiday too

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